Friday, October 8, 2010

A Look Into Max's Mind

This week at church they had the kids to an art project called "It's all bout___" (insert your kids name) All the kids got to paint and write information about themselves, what their favorite bible story is or what they know about God. I just had to post Max's because it was so funny! The teachers couldn't wait to show me what he wrote when I picked him up. If you can't read his answers you can click on the image to make it bigger. Some of the highlights are:

Gods wonders are?: "making trees and food"
The bible says?: "Chrust in the Lord"
And the best...What's your favorite bible story?: "The curse of fickshun" (for the crucifixion) : )


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Soccer Season

It's that time of year again! I actually like fall soccer's spring soccer that I loathe! In the spring, you don't even get to play half the games because it's starts when there's still snow on the ground! Or when they're playing it's lie 30 degrees out....I'm trying really hard to convince Scott that we shouldn't do it this year (*hint, hint* babe!)

Max has had a couple games now but this was the first weekend I actually took some pics. His whole team, The Lightning, is pictured above and I got one killer shot of him flipping the ball up in the air behind him (below)

Max has remarked that he has the best hair on the team. LOL!! I have to say, I do love it in the picture above : ) And then there's poor Titus who had to quit soccer because of his broken arm. He's been cheering Max on from the sidelines.
Oh year little birdie! : )


LEGO ENCOUNTER! I have entirely too much time on my hands! Max's Lego "me" inspired me to create a "Lego Encounter!"  Encounter is a three day worship event that we put on at our church. Right now, we are planning the next one so I have Encounter on the brain. I decided to see if I could make Lego "me's" out of all the people involved....though I couldn't make everyone, here's a couple. You really don't want to know how many hours it took me to build's obscene actually. From left to right there's Andrew, Tyler, Chrysti, Zach, Karrie, Brannon, Carl and David. I'm pretty proud of it....if I do say so myself! : )


Art Imitates Life

Sometimes art imitates life! Max made this awesome LEGO me in the Porsche. He actually did it a while ago but I forgot to post here it is:
He's so talented! Who knows, maybe he'll grow up to be a LEGO engineer?


Titus' Latest Test

It's actually been almost two weeks since Titus had his CT Angiogram done but I forgot to blog about here goes! Since his aneurysm, the doctors have decided to test him every 3-5 years to make sure that no more are forming in his head or a preventative deal. Of course any procedure done at this point is traumatic for Titus and honestly, I don't blame him. He's been poked and prodded at for too long now. Here he is getting ready to go into the test...and with his Gammy....

Thankfully, they were able to use the gas mask to put him to sleep prior to putting in the IV. He still had a major freak out session about the mask. He was screaming and writhing around on the table....and it was just breathing! Ugh....I HATE with a passion, seeing my kids in pain. I want so much for him to never have to be tested again! 

We go to the doctors tomorrow for them to tell us the results of the test. I'm assuming if something was up they would have called us by now so I'm not thinking they found anything. But I'll let you know what they say.....


The Family Unit

The Family Unit
My husband, Scott, and I have been together for 24 incredibly wonderful years! We have two children; our oldest son Max (A.K.A. Boog, Boogie or his full name Maximus when he's in trouble) and our youngest son Titus (A.K.A. Ti, T, Bird, T-Bird, Birdie or some other variation of the sort). Life with these three is absolutely amazing, terribly funny, franticaly busy, positively crazy and without question, never boring! I'm truly a blessed woman!

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