Titus Ate A Glow Stick!
This past weekend was the annual “Flu shot day!” Yeah!....NOT! My kids absolutely dread this day! It gives them anxiety for weeks just knowing it’s coming. Max does really well with shots but Titus is another story. He goes absolutely berserk when it comes time to get a shot…I mean crying, screaming hysterically, writhing around and howling like a wolf is all standard operating procedure with him when he gets a shot. So in order to ease the pain of getting the flu shot, or any shot for that matter, we started rewarding them with a toy every time they have to get a shot. Judge me all you want, but it works, so I’m stickin’ to it!
On Saturday we headed up to good ‘ol Kaiser Permanente for our shots and believe it or not, Titus did great! Oh, there was crying, but nothing like the normal freak show he brings. I was impressed! So we all got in the car and headed to Walmart for toys.
All of a sudden, Titus starts yelling “Mommy, help me!” As I’m driving, I look back to see him holding up both arms and glowing green goo is dripping down his arms! I started to panic a little and asked him, “Is that from a Glow stick?!” (mind you, I didn’t even know he‘d brought one into the car) As he is saying, “Yes mommy, it’s a Glow stick”…..I look up at his face and see more green glowing crap coming out of his mouth and all over his cheeks!!!!! This is when I start to panic….A LOT! I yell to Scott to start making him spit and clean him off, as I put the pedal to the metal and begin driving at light speed to Walmart. As I screech into the parking lot, Scott tells me to “calm down”, which I’m sorry to say would be virtually impossible for any mom at this point to be calm! I hop out of the car, grab Titus and start running for the bathroom…
…I’d like to interject at this point just to point out the fact that I am going to try to clean off a glowing green, potentially poisonous, substance from my sons mouth and body in a public bathroom….a Walmart, public bathroom! Does anyone else see the irony in that besides me?
But I digress…So we get to the bathroom and they have those really, REALLY annoying sensors for the water. And I can’t get the stupid thing to work! Once I finally do, it just barely streams out, so there is no way to get the water into his mouth so we head out to find a drinking fountain. So he’s swishing water in his mouth and spitting it back out into the fountain, which I’m sure just looked horrifically grotesque to all the customers there at wonderful Walmart! Once it was all out of his mouth we went back into the bathroom and I began to wash his arms off with a thoroughness that could only be matched by a HazMat team!
I then called my sister, who gave us the Glow sticks and who also had one of her daughters eat a Glow stick a while back, and when she called Poison Control they assured her that it’s not poisonous! We both can’t understand for the life of us, how something that glows in the dark is NOT PIOSONOUS! But we’re goin’ with it!
All I can say is thankfully…potential disaster… thwarted!