Thursday, October 29, 2009

Beware of Quite Time!

It’s a very rare thing that we experience “quiet time” in our house. With two young boys it’s usually more like something that resembles the sounds at a hockey game with screaming, fighting, time outs and the occasional blood bath! So when things are quiet my husband and I start to get worried. Yesterday was one of those times (and for good reason.) After an extended period of unusual silence my husband, Scott, went to check on the kids. Max was in his usual spot playing with Legos in his room. He saw the bathroom light on and assumed Titus was in there but thought he should check in on him anyways. (Thank GOD he did) He opened the door and curiously found Titus naked from the waist down and washing off his piece of gum in the sink. Titus explained to his dad that while he was pooping he had dropped his gum in the toilet so he reached in, fished it out and was cleaning it off so he could keep chewing on it! (Yes, you may throw up now!) Of course Scott explained to him how utterly gross that was and that you can’t eat things that have touched poop! Thankfully, today at school they taught him all about germs. I’m hoping it sinks in. Lord only knows what this kid has stuck in his mouth!


The Family Unit

The Family Unit
My husband, Scott, and I have been together for 24 incredibly wonderful years! We have two children; our oldest son Max (A.K.A. Boog, Boogie or his full name Maximus when he's in trouble) and our youngest son Titus (A.K.A. Ti, T, Bird, T-Bird, Birdie or some other variation of the sort). Life with these three is absolutely amazing, terribly funny, franticaly busy, positively crazy and without question, never boring! I'm truly a blessed woman!

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