Well, today involved yet another “Pooptacular” incident! For those of you that don’t know about my youngest son’s last “poop incident” you can read about it in the entry titled “Beware of Quiet Time.” BUT, for those of you who keep close tabs on my son’s poop history, we were blessed AGAIN with another episode of “toilet etiquette.”
My son yells to me from downstairs, “Mom….I dropped something in the toilet!” As I head downstairs for a closer inspection, he informs me that after he pooped he was holding his popsicle in his mouth, by the stick, and as he was gazing upon the view of what he just left in the pot he dropped his entire popsicle in the toilet! “I pulled it out with my hands mom”, he exclaims as he then puts one of his hands in his mouth of anticipation of what I will say next. “Get your hands out of your mouth!”, I yell! “I threw it away this time mom. I didn’t eat it”, He says….as I’m thinking, “Well, thank God for that!” So I made him wash his hands…..like a hundred times, and explained to him (once again) that things should NOT be pulled out of the toilet and put in your mouth…blah, blah, blah….will he EVER learn????
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