Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Favorite Max Quotes

So I recently reconnected with an old High School buddy and he told me a funny story about something his daughter said to him and it got me thinking about all the funny things my oldest son, Max, has said over the last 5 years. Don't get me wrong....Titus says some funny things too but I'll post those later. So here's just a few of my favorites:

1. (After receiving praise for doing something well) "I are advanced!"

2. "Is there a parade in my world?"

3. "When I wake up early in the morning the light makes my head evil."

4. (After telling me that he would like to have 5 children when he grows up) "I think I'll have aunt Katie have all 5 of my babies, cuz she's always got a baby in her belly."

5. "Does Jesus hear me burp?"

6. (After being asked why he did something bad) "Because I'm an evil genius!"

7. (While praying) "....and Jesus, we know that you died on the cross, and you took away our sins, and that your love can kill anything...."


The Family Unit

The Family Unit
My husband, Scott, and I have been together for 24 incredibly wonderful years! We have two children; our oldest son Max (A.K.A. Boog, Boogie or his full name Maximus when he's in trouble) and our youngest son Titus (A.K.A. Ti, T, Bird, T-Bird, Birdie or some other variation of the sort). Life with these three is absolutely amazing, terribly funny, franticaly busy, positively crazy and without question, never boring! I'm truly a blessed woman!

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