Saturday, November 21, 2009


OK....I am a huge chocolate lover....I mean HUGE! And I recently discovered a new favorite....(*insert Hallelujah Chorus here*)

That's right....Peppermint Hershey Kisses. They are the BOMB!!!! Though they are perfect just by themselves, I am already imagining chopping them up and putting chunks of them into sugar cookies with possible sugar sprinkles on top....or maybe with cream cheese frosting...who knows? You just gotta check 'em out. They are AH-MAY-ZING!!!



The last two weeks have been amazing....and busy! That's why I haven't been able to blog at all. We've had a friend in town visiting us from Mexico. Her name is Evita and she is a missionary. Karrie and I met her in September when we went to Cancun to speak at a womens' conference.

Evita, Me and Karrie

As I said, the last few weeks have been amazing. God has moved in incredible ways in peoples lives while she's been here and it's been so awesome to see. It's gonna take me some time to even process it all. I am just blown away! All I can say is WOW!


Friday, November 6, 2009

I'm Not Ready For This

On the way home from picking Max up at school today he showed me an envelope that a girl gave him at school. I asked who it was from and he replied, "It's from Tracy, mom. She's my new girlfriend. We love each other." WHAT? You "LOVE" each other? "Yeah...she loves me," he says, "And I now love her too."

As I'm trying to find the words to say, I ask him "What about Emma?" (Emma is the girl he has been talking about non-stop since the beginning of school.) He then says to me, "Yeah, I ended it with her. I ended it with all my girlfriends. Plus, Emma and I were never more than just friends." this point I'm thinking:

#1 You "ended it with her????" What was there to end? You're in the first grade for crying out loud!

#2 "ALL" your girlfriends? What the? How many can you have at age 6? You mean it starts that early...where one isn't enough?

#3 "Never more than just friends?" I don't want him thinking about MORE of anything!

I decided to put those thoughts on the back burner and instead ask him if he knew what was in the envelope. With a huge grin he looks at me and says, "I don't know mom...let's find out!"

I must point out that the envelope is covered in hearts and starts and says on the front, "By Tracy. I love you Max" with Max written in the center of a big red heart. Here is the letter that was inside:

In case you can't read it, it says "I love Max. I want to kiss him on the lips. By Tracy." I think it's a picture of Max in the big heart and you can't really tell in the pic but the "cloud" to the right of the big heart is actually her lip stamp! Can I remind you that he is in FIRST GRADE and he already has girls putting on lipstick and kissing paper for him! I quickly remind him that it's not a good idea to be kissing girls at his age, to which he replies, "I know mom!" (With a cocky look on his face)

I have to be say, I'm being a little dramatic. Both Scott and I think it's actually funny. Scott's first response was, "WOW...I never got that in the first grade." He's now wearing like a badge of honor. I'll be honest though, I still don't know that I'm quite ready for this!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Near Death By Croissant

Every Thursday morning Karrie and I have a women's Bible Study that meets at my house. Usually we get something to munch on with our coffee and tea however, thanks to our dear friend Lisa, this morning we were treated to home made croissants! Lisa is a professional pastry chef and let me tell you something, that woman can make a mean croissant! She brought almond, cream cheese and my personal favorite...chocolate!

I can't tell you the last time I had a good croissant...I mean like melt in your mouth, send you to a heavenly place type of croissant. I think the last good croissant I had was in New York City at La Petite Boulangerie like 9 years ago? THAT, my friend, is WAY too long to wait!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am very passionate about food. I LOVE food! I love to taste it, to look at it, prepare it, describe it and when I find GOOD food I never forget it. But when it comes to eating it, sometimes I have a hard time stopping!

I'm not shy. I dug right into those chocolate puppies. They were THE BEST croissants I have ever put in my mouth. I mean, the perfect buttery dough that's just barely uncooked on the inside and flaky crust on the outside. Just the right amount of chocolate to dough ratio....they were pure deliciousness! Therein lies the problem: I couldn't stop eating them! After the first one I sat there contemplating, "Should I have another? No...I should not have another one. But I want another one....I should definitely NOT have another one. OK...I'll have another one!" I'll be honest, the second one was just as good as the first. I was totally in my happy place....I was also extremely O' butter, full.

As a rule I don't count calories. I love good, fattening food. I cook with butter and I don't like anything "low fat". Never the less, I jokingly threw out, "I wonder how many calories are in those suckers?" Lisa then informed me there are approximately 1200-1500 calories in each croissant....give or take. Holy Crap! You mean I just ate 3000 calories in one sitting? Three thousand!!! That's like two whole days worth of calories in one meal! (one extraordinary meal, I might add) but still...WOW!

A few hours later, about 1:00 in the afternoon, the effects of the butter/sugar buzz combo started to wear off and I actually felt a little woosy. I really felt light-headed! I guess I didn't realize the sheer magnitude of butter floating around in my system. I've also never eaten enough sugar to make me feel drugged, but I guess I discovered my limit this morning. So I decided I'd better eat some "actual" food before I slipped into a croissant induced coma. I quickly made myself a grilled cheese sandwich. (I know, I'm a picture of health. Don't judge.) It may not have been the healthiest choice but it slowly started to make me feel better. Slowly....

By dinner I was...OK? I still didn't feel like eating much but we had a friend over and Scott wanted dessert. So I managed to top off the evening with a bowl of berry pie and ice cream. Again, don't judge.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hearts Everywhere!

I was at the soccer field with the kids a few weekends ago and while Titus was practicing, Max and I decided to take a little nature walk. While we were exploring, I came across this awesome plant that's leaves were shaped like a heart. (Forgive me for not knowing what this thing is called....I have not, nor will I ever claim to call myself a botanist!)

On Monday, while walking the kids to school, I noticed this heart carved into the filed at their school. I'm thinking someone did it on purpose, but it's cool none-the-less!

THEN, as I got home, this leaf was on my driveway! I think someone's trying to tell me they love me!


Monday, November 2, 2009


Each year we have a huge family Halloween party. It's always so much fun dressing up in costumes, playing games, making creepy looking food and this year we actually got to go trick-or-treating too! Thanks to everybody who came, and a special thanks to my sister Katie and my mom Judy who helped me with all the food prep....I love you guys! The only bad part of the party is cleaning up the aftermath! here's some pics.....ENJOY!


Cookie Debacle

The night before Halloween I attempted to make some cut sugar cookies. I say attempted because they turned out to be the worst looking cookies I have ever made in my life! I bought some of those dough logs and rolled them out and cut out cool shapes of bats, spiders, pumpkins and ghosts. Sounds easy enough right? WRONG! They would look all pretty in the oven, but as soon as I took them out they would completely flatten out like a thin sheet of paper! What the heck?!?! Then, what looked like a cute little ghost going in would come out looking like a deformed blob of cookie guts coming out! It was so frustrating! I finally gave up on cutting them into shapes and just cut the suckers in lame little circles...that also melted into oblivion. I then bedalzzed them with sprinkles and sugar crystals and wah-lah! crappy looking cookies made better! (I think sugar crystals can make anything taste better) They tasted fine....they just looked awful. Next year I'm going store bought!


The Family Unit

The Family Unit
My husband, Scott, and I have been together for 24 incredibly wonderful years! We have two children; our oldest son Max (A.K.A. Boog, Boogie or his full name Maximus when he's in trouble) and our youngest son Titus (A.K.A. Ti, T, Bird, T-Bird, Birdie or some other variation of the sort). Life with these three is absolutely amazing, terribly funny, franticaly busy, positively crazy and without question, never boring! I'm truly a blessed woman!

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