Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Western Boys

A while ago I did a photo shoot for Lifeway. They are a Christian company that does, among many other things, Vacation Bible School curriculum (or VBS).  They have been a client of Scott's for a long time and at some point one of the guys Scott works with, Gordon, saw some photos I took of the kids on Facebook. Gordon asked Scott who took them and after he shared with him that I took them and actually did photography on the side, Gordon asked me if I could take some photos of my boys for this years VBS! I was completely honored that they would ask me to do it and it's really cool to have the boys photos all over the VBS stuff. Although I took the photos a while ago, I couldn't post them until now because the theme for VBS is a top secret deal until the big reveal each year. This years theme is "Saddle Ridge Ranch" so they wanted western themed pics of the kids with a "big sky" Montana feel. 

I have to tell you that the first day we went out, I found this great location but it was really windy so the boys both refused to even get out of the car! I was NOT pleased (OK, I was seriously disappointed...Oh alright, I'll admit it, I was down right mad!) but I've learned that you can't "force" kids to take pics or they just don't come out good. The next time we went out it was still a little windy but they actually made it out of the car. Truth be told, I had to throw a little mom guilt out there to make it happen, but I wasn't going home empty handed two times in a row! The boys ended up having a lot of fun and I was really happy with how they did. They just look so cute! I know this is a lot of pic's but I just couldn't narrow it down anymore....I have a problem with that! : )
Lifeway ended up only using one pic (the last one in the list) but I will cherish all of them forever!


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pine Wood Derby Car

Max is in Cub Scouts this year. His main attraction to Cub Scouts was getting to compete in the Pine Wood Derby car race. Scott was also a Scout way back in the day and his dad built all his cars with him. I understand they even had the winning car a few years. So, of course, we are going to turn to the "master pine wood car builder" for this years race. On Saturday we went down to Colorado Springs to visit Grandad and attempt to build the winning car. It was actually really cool to see the three generations coming together on this project. Here's the building taking place:
They had to cut the shape and then sand it down. Next came the measuring. They have very strict rules where it can't weigh more than 5oz. There was much debate on how much weight to add, or not to add. We ended up with a great looking car. Now Max just has to paint it! Thanks so much Mark for helping them out. I'll let you all know how the car does. The race isn't for a few more weeks so wish us luck!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Little Gangsta

Titus just cracks me up sometimes! This is his outfit for today...

The glove on his right hand is actually one of the gloves to his Batman costume that he cut the fingers off so he'd (and I quote) "look cooler." I especially love the "stitches" that he drew on his left hand. He said (and I quote again) they made him look "more tougher." What can I are one cool, tough dude Titus!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Serious Skillz

OK.....I'm a mom, so I have officially earned the right to brag a little about my kids. Let me just say....Max has got some serious skillz when it comes to drawing! He's taking after his dad I guess. But Scott will tell you that even he was never this good at Max's age. He is only 7 years old and is drawing some incredible stuff. I will post more later but for now, here's a Boba Fett he drew out of his head...


Happy Birthday!

Today is three of my favorite people's birthdays! My sweet little niece Karlie and two of my friends, Autumn and Lars. Happy birthday to all of you....I love you!!!



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Vulcan Salute

So, Titus comes to me last night to show me that he can finally do the Vulcan salute all on his own. But after a closer inspection however, I discovered that he actually had taped his fingers together. LOL!  Pretty resourceful kid huh?....whatever works I guess! : )


Sickness be GONE!

UGH!!!!  I have been so sick this past week. I kicked off the week last Tuesday with a 102 fever and thought I was progressively getting better but...NOOOOO! Last night it got worse! I spoke with a doctor today and discovered I have a sinus infection so I finally got on some antibiotics. I hate being sick! And it really needs to be gone before we leave for Kauai!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Little Cub Scout

WOW....Max is officially a Cub Scout! My little dude is growing up so fast. Before I know it he'll be making fire in our back yard! (Please pray he doesn't burn our house down! LOL)  Max is so exited to be in the Cub Scouts. I think the main thing that prompted him to join was his best friend Brady. You see, Brady joined at the beginning of the year and as soon as Max saw him making his car for the Pine Wood Derby, he was SOLD! Here he is all ready for his den meeting...
Scott was quite the proud papa! I gotta tell ya, all those patches took me 2 hours to iron and sew on. I don't know what mom's do if they don't know how to sew. I guess they're screwed. Plus there's this whole "thing" about where you put them. They have to be in the EXACT right down to the 3/8 of an inch. It's NUTS! Titus already can't wait until he can join next year. But to be honest, For Titus, it's all about the costume....or uniform! : )


Clock Tower

Clock Tower is the name of our good friend Lars' T-Shirt business. He hand makes them to order, so if you like to mix and match any of his designs you can. He is so talented and I love them all. I took pictures of a bunch of his T-Shirts yesterday and helped him set up a blog. You can check it out and place orders here:  CLOCKTOWER  

Here's a couple of his designs to whet your appetite....


Monday, March 8, 2010

Party Poppers!

Just over a week ago, when Cara & CJ were out visiting us, Titus got it in his head that he absolutely MUST have some Party Poppers. Ya know....the little bottles where you pull the string and confetti explodes out of them? I have no clue where the idea of Party Poppers came from but he was utterly relentless about asking for them. He had gotten a couple good notes from his teacher that week so we said we would reward him with some. Nice parents huh? ..."You did good in school Titus? Let me reward you with some small explosives!" So we took him to Party City and got him a couple packs of them.
CJ also picked up a pack and got in on the popper action. As they began to fall on the ground I noticed that they started landing in some really cool patterns. So I pulled out a big sheet of white paper and started photographing them as they landed. I messed around with the exposure and I think they'd actually make some really cool pieces of modern art. I'm gonna get some prints made, or maybe wrap them on canvas, and put a set of them in one of the kids rooms.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lars & Autumn

Man....has it really been that long since my last post? UGH! Sorry!  The last few weeks have just been crazy busy for me!  Anyhoo...I got to do a shoot with Lars & Autumn 2 weeks ago and I finally got around to editing some of the photos yesterday.  I should tell you that they are not a "real couple". They are the best of friends and so I asked them if they would "pretend" to be a couple for me...just this once. : )  They are both just so cute...I love them!

Thanks to both of you guys for an awesome time. You make a great "fake" couple! : )


The Family Unit

The Family Unit
My husband, Scott, and I have been together for 24 incredibly wonderful years! We have two children; our oldest son Max (A.K.A. Boog, Boogie or his full name Maximus when he's in trouble) and our youngest son Titus (A.K.A. Ti, T, Bird, T-Bird, Birdie or some other variation of the sort). Life with these three is absolutely amazing, terribly funny, franticaly busy, positively crazy and without question, never boring! I'm truly a blessed woman!

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