Saturday, August 28, 2010

Another Trip To The ER!

Last night we had the fine pleasure of spending the evening at the Good Samaritan Hospital's ER! Titus broke his arm skateboarding at the park. He wasn't doing any freaky tricks or anything, just normal skating when he fell and landed on his arm. When he went down he actually heard his bone crack! He started crying (of course) and holding his arm as he started walking towards Scott, who was sitting a short distance from him. As soon as Scott saw him he knew Titus had broken his arm. It was straight to a point and then it leaned off to the side. 

Luckily, a nurse was at the park and he sat with Titus so Scott could run and get Max, who was on the other side of the park. The nurse was awesome! He asked Scott to get some magazines and duct tape and he got all "MacGyver" and pulled off a make-shift splint for the ride to the hospital.

I actually wasn't home at the time. But I checked my phone later and saw that I had some missed calls from Scott, which totally freaked me out because I knew he would only be calling me if something was wrong. I was all the way out in Aurora so I had to speed like the wind to high-tail it up to Good Sam in Broomfield. When I got there they had Titus sedated and were resetting his bones. He managed to break both bones in his left forearm! We also confirmed his allergy to morphine...good times my friends! He only came down with a mild rash that went away over time, but that's good to know for future reference. 

Titus was quite the trooper! When we managed to wake him up so we could go home I asked (in my most sympathetic "Oh Honey" kinda mom voice) "Are you OK baby?" and like a tough little man he said all authoritatively "I'm OK Mom!" (like, calm down already....I'm fine!)

He is one tough little dude! Here's some pics of the event:

Waiting for sedation...

After they set it. He's in a soft cast. They'll recheck it next Friday and then put a hard cast on.

Ready to go home.

This is our second actual trip to Good Sam's ER for Titus. I really hope we never have to make one again! Oh...and as we sat him up to leave we noticed a big glob of duct tape still stuck to his back! The doctor looked at us like "What the?" When we told him why it was there his response was, "It really does work for everything doesn't it?" LOL!

Last night Titus began schmoozing his way into a toy for all the pain he was in. Of course we agreed! So today we made a trip to Target to get this coveted Boba Fett Slave ship....what can I say, the kid deserved it!
Max was quite the awesome and caring big brother during the whole thing so he got rewarded too. They are both happy little campers today!


Friday, August 13, 2010


OK....I'll admit it....I am SOOOOO ready for the kids to go back to school! Don't get me wrong, I love them. I love spending time with them and we've had an amazing summer together, BUT I am so ready for a little "me" time without kids 24/7!  Plus, this will be the first time in 7 years that I will have both kids in school full-time! A whole 7 hours a day to myself!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!

One of my favorite things about going back to school is the shopping! (I know that's such a girly thing to say but it's true!) I took the boys to the mall the other day and found some really cool stuff. Max about flipped his lid when we saw LEGO shoes! It is, by far, his favorite purchase to date!
They both also went bonkers over the discovery of JAWS t-shirts! They have a total fascination with sharks in general and with the movie Jaws. Of course, we have not let them watch the movie, but they just stare at the cover to the DVD and ask us all sorts of questions about what happens in the film. We've tried to explain to them that the movie would scare the daylights out of them but they still insist that they "can handle it."  ....yeah right!
All in all, we found a lot of great stuff, those are just some of their favorites. We also got to do some shopping with Nana (a.k.a Ann) and, thanks to her, I think they're pretty loaded up for a long time. The boys will be stylin' for sure!


Bored Experiment

Max was bored the other day and thought it would be fun do a little experiment outside with balloons. I kept hearing weird sounds outside but had no idea what it was. I finally went out and found him with the hose hooked to large balloons and he was calculating how long it would take for them to explode. It was actually really cute....he had a little note pad with with for documentation. The balloons got surprisingly huge! And if you look close at what he wrote, it's hilarious!...
This is "ASOM!" (a.k.a. "Awesome") Love it!

As a side you think my kid needs a haircut???? I think so! : )


Max Can Swim!!!

At the beginning of the summer I signed the kids up for swim lessons. Titus did really well and is basically a little fishy! Every time we get to the pool he spends the entire time under the water and hardly gets out....he LOVES the water! Max, on the other hand, is a different story.

Max has always been afraid of the water, but I knew he needed to know how to swim. Lessons didn't go so well for him. He would basically spend most of the time clung to the edge of the pool and then if his instructor tried to get him to put his head under the water he would go ballistic and start crying and freaking out. Eventually, he would just get out of the pool and beg me to never make him go back. I decided to cancel the swim lessons and teach them myself!

We got a small above ground pool at our house which really helped Max get comfortable with being in water everyday. Then, my aunt Kathleen, was gracious enough to let us come out to her pool at her house as much as we wanted this summer. Just when we were thinking "Maybe next summer he'll get his head under the water..." it happened! He just decided to give it a try and he was OK! No water got in his ears....he was fine! And now, he's swimming! Well, not like in the deep-end on his own kind of swimming, but swimming! 

Here's his first time:

I don't want it to sound like I'm not proud of Titus, because I am. Swimming just came so naturally to him and the kid has no fear. I'm just so proud of Max for overcoming one of his biggest fears! ....Now to get him over his fear of dogs and we'll be good to go! ; )

Here's some other pics of Titus and the cousins that were all with us that day......(sorry, I didn't get pics of everybody)

Thumbs up Max! little fish!
Kar Kar
Corrin (Butter girl)
Mr. just chillin'
and Ray Ray asleep : )

Our time at the pool is almost over : ( School is about to begin next week, but it's been an awesome summer and I already can't wait 'til next year!


The Family Unit

The Family Unit
My husband, Scott, and I have been together for 24 incredibly wonderful years! We have two children; our oldest son Max (A.K.A. Boog, Boogie or his full name Maximus when he's in trouble) and our youngest son Titus (A.K.A. Ti, T, Bird, T-Bird, Birdie or some other variation of the sort). Life with these three is absolutely amazing, terribly funny, franticaly busy, positively crazy and without question, never boring! I'm truly a blessed woman!

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