Monday, February 22, 2010

American Furniture Warehouse

This weekend the kids and I ventured out to American Furniture Warehouse in search of a new bed and desk for Max. While we were looking, Titus discovered this tree house bed that he absolutely fell in love with. I mean what kid wouldn't love a hidden hatch into a secret club house built into his bed right? Of course getting him to leave the club house was another story altogether. As Titus was begging (well, really it was more like whining/fake crying/begging) me to buy this bed for him, a nice couple walks by in enough time to hear him yell, "Mom! It's only SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS!" To which this couple (and I) bust out laughing. Sure thing Ti....ONLY $700. No problem! Needless to say, we did NOT go home with the club house bed and boy did I hear about it....for hours!!!


Barnies Coffee

I'm sitting here drinking my morning cup-O-Joe and I just have to tell you...Barnie's coffee is absolutely amazing! If you're a coffee drinker and have never tried it before, I highly recommend giving it a whirl. Scott and I discovered Barnies' while we were living in Florida and I would take Barnie's coffee over Starbucks any day....HANDS DOWN! It doesn't have quite the "bite" or bitter taste you get from Starbucks. Just smooth coffee goodness! You can order it online here. We're BIG fans of their flavored coffee. Pumpkin Spice and Santa's White Christmas are FAN-TABULOUS and two of our absolute favorites. Just order won't be disappointed!


Friday, February 19, 2010

Baby Corrin

I got to do a shoot with my sister Melanie and my beautiful niece, Corrin, on Monday. It's been a really busy week so I haven't had time to go through all the pics and edit them yet but I thought I'd share a couple with you. Corrin wasn't super happy about the whole thing but we got her to laugh a couple times. She's just so stinkin' cute! I hope you all have a great Friday! : )


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Our good friend Rob (pictured above in the middle of Scott and I) has started a weekly night of worship at his house called "Consumed" and it's amazing. It's an awesome time to just be consumed with God's presence and sing praises to Him. Thanks Rob for following your heart and starting it up. It's given me an outlet to worship that I really needed. I just love your heart for the Lord! : ) I can't wait to sing tonight!


Monday, February 15, 2010


This weekend we headed up to the Strawberry Park Hot Springs, in Steamboat Springs, to baptize our good friend Rob. It was absolutely seriously, just gorgeous! It was snowing pretty hard for a while up there which made it look like a scene out of Narnia.
Rob had asked Scott if he would baptize him a little while ago and said he wanted to do it soon and preferably not in church. I then began a search for where we could do an outdoor baptism in Colorado, in winter....and thought "Ah, Ha! Hot Springs!" I had seen some of my friends pictures of this place and immediately knew we had to go there. We all had such a great time. Actually, Rob ended up being only the first of many to get dunked. 
By the time it was over,we ended up baptizing 6 people and praying over two people who got instantly healed! All-in-all, it was an amazing day. One I will never forget. Thank you Lord!


Sunday, February 14, 2010


Today we are celebrating 18 wonderful years of marriage! It's hard to believe that it's been that long!  We've actually been together for 23 years now. And boy-OH-boy have we come a long way!

THEN (1987)

NOW (2010)

I especially dig our pic above from Scott's High School prom in 1987. I'm sporting the black mesh Madonna gloves and high-banger mall hair. And Scott's hair is working a reverse skunk dye job. Nice to know we made it through the 80's!  I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband and beautiful boys. I sometimes I marvel at how truly blessed I am. Thank you Lord for all that You've given me!


Friday, February 12, 2010

Works of Art

I realized I forgot to post pics of the paintings the kids did last weekend so, here are their final masterpieces. Titus' painting (on the left) is called "Karate Kid" (go figure) and Max's (on the right) is called "The Son Has Risen" (kinda takes after his mom doesn't he)


Thursday, February 11, 2010


"Chunking" is what Titus' kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Geise, calls it when you take "chunks" of words and put them together to make one word. It reminds me of the old school bits on Sesame Street or The Electric Company when they would have two silhouettes on the side and they would each sound out half the word and then they would put it together to make a word.
So, today I was volunteering in Titus' class. I usually do it on Fridays but she needed extra help with the Valentine's day party today. At one point, we were both sitting at the same desk. I was putting some books together and Mrs. Geise was helping the kids put words together. She pulled out the letters for the chunk "it". She would then put out different letters in front of "it" to make words and the kids would sound it out. First, there was "F - IT =FIT" then "B - IT=BIT" (you get the picture) lastly was 'H - IT=HIT" She then asked the kids to sound out other words that could be made with the "it" chunk. And not quite understanding that she wanted them to think of a "new" letter but assuming she wanted them to expand on "hit", one boy yelled out "SH-IT!"  Both Mrs. Geise and I lost it! And so did all the kids I might add. I was laughing so hard I was crying. We were both surprised, obviously because he said it, but also at the fact that all of these kids knew what that word was and that it was bad! gotta love 'em!


Nothing Like A Trip To Children's Hospital

At least this time it wasn't for my kids! On Friday night we had some friends, Mitch and Rachel and their two kids Ryan and Emma, over for dinner. At some point, right before we sat down to eat dinner, Emma fell and cracked her head on our coffee table. The poor thing was bleeding all over the place. All of us adults began to estimate the size of the gash and make phone calls and send e-mail pics of her wound to doctors in the family in trying to decide if she needed to go to the hospital. We finally decided that either stitches or surgical glue was definitely in her future. So, off to the hospital Mitch and Emma went. She ended up needing 4 stitches. Luckily, the cut was right in her eyebrow line so it will hopefully heal up and be hidden under her hair.

While Mitch was at the hospital we actually discussed the fact that we have not had much luck with getting together for dinner. The first time was at their house and Titus fell head first into their fish pond. No hospital trip was involved but it's never good when your kid nearly drowns in fish water. I'm just sayin'...... I also recall one other time, Rachel injured her ankle while walking home (we won't discuss how that happened though) : )

Anyhoo....Yesterday, Rachel needed to take Emma back to Children's to get the stitches removed. Mitch is out of town for work so she asked if I could come with her for moral support and, of course I went with her. I mean, my coffee table impaled her kid in the eye. It's the least I could do! I felt so bad for little Emma. She is just the cutest thing!  All went well though. She cried a little but that's to be expected. In my opinion she was pretty mellow, compared to Titus who was an absolute freak show when he had to get his stitches taken out. She really is one tough little cookie! I was so proud if her. Oh yeah, and mom did good too! : )


Monday, February 8, 2010

The other James

Karrie brought to my attention that James (pictured in the post below giving Titus guitar lessons) looks exactly like Jeremy from Phineas and Ferb...Check it! The same body build, hair color and Jeremy even plays guitar!

James, we've decided that you should get royalties or something for the use of your's spot on!


Let The Guitar Lessons Begin

As you may remember from a previous post, the boys got guitars for Christmas this year. Yesterday they had their first lesson with our friend James. The boys were so excited. They could hardly contain themselves! I really hope they stick with it. I wish I had stuck with mine. Who knows...I've been kind of inspired to start trying to learn to play again...we'll see...


Saturday, February 6, 2010


Well, my painting has inspired the kids to do their own paintings. So, I picked up some canvasses for them and today, they let their creative juices flow! Here they are painting their creative masterpieces in the garage.
I'll post pic's of their finished works of art when they are done...


Friday, February 5, 2010

It Is Finished

My painting that is....Now I just need Scott to hang it up! *hint, hint* (yes Scott, that was for you). It's hard to tell in the picture but the cross part actually has other colors in it. It isn't solid black. It also has a glossy finish but it doesn't look like it in the pic. Oh well...what are ya gonna do?


Thursday, February 4, 2010


Berry Bomb is, quite possibly, my favorite dessert on the whole planet! And anyone who has tried it agrees with me. When you eat it hot, with vanilla ice cream, it is absolute perfection in your mouth! I seriously hope there's Berry Bomb and vanilla ice cream in heaven because I'm not sure I could survive eternity without it. A LARGE "thank you" goes out to my sister, Katie, who introduced me to this fabulous dessert. I also give her full credit for every pound I have gained because of this delightful dessert : )  but, I digress....So, how do you make Berry Bomb you ask?  Here goes: Start with a box of Krusteaz Crumb Cake Mix

and follow the recipe on the side of the box. Simple right? They call it "Deep Dish Berry Cobbler" but, make no mistake it is the BOMB therefore, we re-named it BERRY BOMB! I have to cook it longer than it says on the box but just pull it out when it's all bubbly and the top is crispy. Trust me, you will LOVE this dessert. And don't forget the ice cream! 


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

100th Day of School

This Friday, for the kids 100th day of school, they are supposed to find 100 things and put them on a shirt. So, yesterday Titus and I took a trip over to Hobby Lobby (the mothership for all things crafty) to see what we could find. Titus originally wanted to find 100 bat stickers, which they had but not 100 of them. So we kept looking....and low-and-behold...there it was...the SHELL section of the store. Titus' eyes lit up as if there was a Glory cloud hovering over it and angels were singing. What caught his eye first were all the giant shells. Of course, I had to explain to him that 100 shells that weigh 2 pounds each wouldn't quite work! Then, he saw it.....a dead, dried up seahorse in a beautiful plastic package....he was in love! He just HAD to have it!
Now Max's class project was a little different. He could do a T-shirt, or he was able to create anything out of 100 things. I thought he'd want to get 100 LEGO's and build some thing cool.  Of course, as soon as Max got home and saw what Titus' project was he also HAD to have the same thing. No boy, in his right mind, could pass up the sheer gloriousness of a dead seahorse! So, back we went to Hobby Lobby for yet another package of dead sea critters.

Of course, the boys got tired of gluing after about the 15th shell, so I ended up doing most of their project for them. They were also completely distracted by the seahorses and sand dollars, which they decided not to glue on their shirts so that they could keep them.
Yeah...they really could care less about their T-shirts. They just love their seahorses! We'll see how long it takes for them to break apart in little guess is not long!


Monday, February 1, 2010

A First!

Today, for the very first time, Titus built a LEGO set on his own! Max has been building 12 year old sets on his own since he was 4 (he's NOT the norm) but we usually have to build Ti's for him. Today he got a LEGO set for being extra good all weekend for me while Scott was out of town. He asked me to build it for him but Scott told him to just try to do what he could on his own. Granted, I helped him find a few pieces but he built the thing himself. I'm so proud of my little man! 

On a side note...I think we now have enough LEGO's in this house to build our own Legoland!


The Family Unit

The Family Unit
My husband, Scott, and I have been together for 24 incredibly wonderful years! We have two children; our oldest son Max (A.K.A. Boog, Boogie or his full name Maximus when he's in trouble) and our youngest son Titus (A.K.A. Ti, T, Bird, T-Bird, Birdie or some other variation of the sort). Life with these three is absolutely amazing, terribly funny, franticaly busy, positively crazy and without question, never boring! I'm truly a blessed woman!

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