100th Day of School
This Friday, for the kids 100th day of school, they are supposed to find 100 things and put them on a shirt. So, yesterday Titus and I took a trip over to Hobby Lobby (the mothership for all things crafty) to see what we could find. Titus originally wanted to find 100 bat stickers, which they had but not 100 of them. So we kept looking....and low-and-behold...there it was...the SHELL section of the store. Titus' eyes lit up as if there was a Glory cloud hovering over it and angels were singing. What caught his eye first were all the giant shells. Of course, I had to explain to him that 100 shells that weigh 2 pounds each wouldn't quite work! Then, he saw it.....a dead, dried up seahorse in a beautiful plastic package....he was in love! He just HAD to have it!
Of course, the boys got tired of gluing after about the 15th shell, so I ended up doing most of their project for them. They were also completely distracted by the seahorses and sand dollars, which they decided not to glue on their shirts so that they could keep them.

Yeah...they really could care less about their T-shirts. They just love their seahorses! We'll see how long it takes for them to break apart in little pieces....my guess is not long!
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