Friday, May 28, 2010

Unfortunate Turn Of Events

It was a beautiful sunny day here in Colorado! I think it hit 92 degrees! Perfect ice cream weather. (of course it doesn't take much in my book to become an "ice cream day")  So, after dinner we all went out for ice cream. It was a lot of fun and we've all been so busy lately that it was nice to spend time together as a family.

When we got home it was still really nice out so the boys asked if they could play outside with some of their friends. SURE!  About 10 minutes later I hear Titus screaming bloody murder and crying. I went running out front to find him bleeding profusely. It was coming out of his mouth, his nose and was pooling in his hands and running down the front of his chest. It was all over the place!  There was so much blood and I couldn't figure out where it was all coming from. 

I started yelling for Scott to bring me a towel and tried to calm Titus down. After cleaning him up I realized he was bleeding from his nose. In the middle of all this Max is yelling "I didn't mean to do it!" (yeah, right!)  We finally found out that Max had taken Titus' shoe and hucked it at his face. It hit Titus smack in the nose which then, of course, caused the massive nose bleed! After the crazy scene had calmed down a bit, Scott got some pictures....
You can't really tell in the pictures, but Titus is covered in blood. He's OK now....Max on the other hand is in some serious trouble. We're not even quite sure what his entire punishment will be.....that is "to be continued." We are NOT happy with that boy!

UGH! Will I even survive having boys? I'm not quite sure of the answer to that question....


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Goin' RETRO! these pics are from a little while back when my friend Cara was out visiting me from Florida. She's my "photo buddy."  Every time she comes out to visit, it's like a whirlwind of photo shoots! I LOVE IT!  We have so much fun dreaming up places to go and things to shoot. When she was out here in February we decided to go a little retro and ended up shooting in an old laundromat. It was SOOO much fun! I have a ton of pics from that day but I thought I'd post a couple here just for fun!
After the laundromat, we decided to just head downtown and see where we could find. And...many photos's a few....


Monday, May 24, 2010

Children's Hospital

Today, Titus and I spent 6 hours at Children's hospital. They did some psychological tests on him to help us better understand some of the learning challenges he's facing due to his head injury. I must say, he was quite the little trooper. I could tell he was kind of stressed out on the way there so I explained to him that nothing they would do today would hurt him. You see, every time we go there, they usually poke and prod at him so he was very relieved to know that no pain would be involved in today's trip. 

They let him take a break to share some lunch with me. I of course let him eat a GIANT cup full of frozen yogurt topped off with chocolate syrup and sprinkles.

Then...when it was all over I told him I'd get him a "treat" for doing such a good job, he requested: a Double Chocolatey Chip Frappachino from Starbucks...
 ...I have taught him well! : )


Sunday, May 23, 2010


Encounter has been consuming all of my time lately. So...sorry for the lack of posts recently. I blame it all on Encounter!  So....what is this "Encounter" thing you ask?  Well, in a nut shell: Encounter is a 3-night worship experience designed to create a space and environment where people can encounter breakthrough and transformation through the outpouring of the love of Jesus Christ. Each of the 3 nights will incorporate a variety of elements including worship, teaching, devotionals, testimonies, altar ministry time, communion, and more.

I have been given the awesome opportunity to lead the worship, along with some other incredibly talented people. I am MORE than excited for this event and I can't wait to see what God does. I expect people to experience deliverance, healing and for their lives to be transformed forever by the love of God!

If you'd like to come to the event here's the 411 on where and when it will go down:

June 9th, 10th & 11th 6:30 p.m. Faith Bible Chapel Arvada, CO


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Get Ur Groove On!

Today is "Field Day" at the kids school. They both played games and ran around all morning and then this afternoon the 1st graders all did a dance in the gym. Scott, Titus and myself all went to see Max get his groove on. When I asked him this morning what kind of dance he was doing, he said he didn't know....but he assured me it was "old school."  I asked if it was anything like what they do on the Dancing With The Stars show and he said "Yes! Just like that!"....I'm not sure if he actually thinks what he did today was anything close to....let's say the lindy hop...or the rhumba....but it was good none-the-less! So, for your viewing pleasure here's Max gettin' down!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Soccer season is FINALLY over!!!!! The weather has been so awful this season that we've missed more games and practices than we've actually played. (I guess I'm thankful for that) I'm just glad that I don't have to sit out in the wet 38 degree weather for hours any more. Not to mention the fact that we finally get our Saturdays back! Between both boys playing, we've done nothing but soccer all day on Saturday for the last 9 weeks! (Can you tell I'm over the whole soccer thing?) I thought I'd share a couple pics with you from this past weekend. They each had their last game and a party to celebrate the end of the season. And...They both also received a trophy! In all honesty, I think getting a trophy is the whole reason they like to play soccer ; )    ....Enjoy!
OK....I have to admit....I was SOOOOO mad at Max right here in this last shot. He had just gotten his trophy and I was trying to get a shot of him and he refused to look at the camera! I have all these shots of him holding out his trophy but looking away or covering his head. I finally got him to look at me but then he wouldn't smile! This was the best I could get. Honestly, I was ready to kill him!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

This is what I woke up to this morning....cuddling with the boys in I the luckiest woman in the world or what? : )  One of my absolute favorite things to do is to lay in bed with them and cuddle and talk about life. That's where some of our best conversations happen. 

Shortly after this I was showered with gifts from Scott and the kids. I got cards, flowers, bags of peanut M&M's and many special drawings and and paintings from the kids that they had done all this last week at school and at church. Max was so cute...he gave me one of his Camaro model cars because he said he "knows how much I want a dream car." He also said that he wanted to go to the store and buy me something but he didn't have time so he gave me a five dollar bill instead! He's so cute!

I also want to give a shout out to my mom's Judy and Connie (a.k.a. Gammy & Jammy) on this Mother's day...I love you both so much! You mean the world to me and I'm so thankful to have you in my life! I LOVE YOU!!!


Friday, May 7, 2010

Congratulations Titus!

My little T-Bird got on the the big board in the hallway at the front of school where all the moms and kids can gawk over who is truly amazing at school ....for "Most Improved Student!" I'm so proud of him! He has worked so hard at school this last semester so I'm really glad all his hard work was noticed. He's a proud little he should be!



Thanks to my dear friend Kitty (A.K.A. Blogger Extraordinaire)  I received my very first award!!! There are tons of amazing blogs out there, so I am truly honored that she would think of me. Though I can't think of the last time I actually wore stiletto's (at least not without incurring some form of injury following) I accept this Stiletto award proudly!


There are thousands of blogs, and there are hundreds of awards. The Stiletto Award is a little different than most!

The Stiletto Award Is For Excellence in Blogging!
I want to salute the women who balance life, family & relationships with style & class! Those women who share their experiences with us…who encourage us, inspire us, teach us, make us laugh and basically keep us going! You know who they are! While you read this blog, your family is looking at you wondering what the heck you are laughing about so hard…or why the tissue is necessary for internet browsing. It’s the one that the kids are excited about cuz a new post means a new craft project or family outing. The one that inspires you to be a better mom, friend, person in general. The one that reminds you that we are all “in this life together” and you’re not the only one going through the hard stuff. The one that you secretly wish your blog was like…
If you’ve received this award, someone out there thinks you deserve it! Be proud! Display the badge with honor! You earned it…after all it means that you brought something special to at least one other person, and really, isn’t that what life’s all about????


This blog is meant to be shared, to be given out, to be bestowed upon any and ALL women who exemplify what the stiletto represents. If you’ve received this award, here’s what you do:
1. Display your Stiletto Badge of Honor on your sidebar! Wear it with pride!

5. DO WHAT YOU DO...keep at it. Keep inspiring and encouraging and sharing your life! We love it and we thank you!!!

I Pass this award over to: my sister Katie at MKHKKH

If there were such a thing as a "June Cleaver Award" I'd give her that too!  But I'm sure she'll appreciate the sexy stiletto award...or at least Max will : )  She's a shinning example of an amazing mom, wife, sister and friend. Not to mention that her blog keeps me laughing! I love her sense of humor, appreciate her style of writing and respect her immensely! I love you sister....enjoy your "Non-Mom-Shoes Award!"


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Well, I guess it was only a matter of time, but Scott has now successfully passed on his golf addiction to the boys. He has been taking the boys golfing all this last week and they absolutely love it. I think they also just like spending time with dad.

I must admit, they look so cute! Titus had to borrow Max's clubs, which caused a little drama (they don't like to share things.) After a time of Max yelling "that's special to me!" we convinced him to let Titus borrow them.  If Titus continues to like it maybe we'll get him a set for his birthday? Scott hasn't taken the boys golfing together yet, but he was telling me that each of the boys love to rake the sand pit....go figure? You can see Max below working his raking skills!


The Family Unit

The Family Unit
My husband, Scott, and I have been together for 24 incredibly wonderful years! We have two children; our oldest son Max (A.K.A. Boog, Boogie or his full name Maximus when he's in trouble) and our youngest son Titus (A.K.A. Ti, T, Bird, T-Bird, Birdie or some other variation of the sort). Life with these three is absolutely amazing, terribly funny, franticaly busy, positively crazy and without question, never boring! I'm truly a blessed woman!

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