The BEST Holiday letter...EVER!
I'm not kidding when I say I just got THE BEST holiday letter...EVER! Both Scott and I laughed out loud. I asked them if I could put it on my blog and they agreed, provided that I change the names to protect the innocent. So we shall call this couple "Jack & Jill".
First let me explain something before you read it. We have been friends with these people a LONG time and they only sent this to a select few of their friends and family who would hopefully "get it." Not knowing Jack & Jill, or their history, you may think I am completely and utterly insensitive and rude for laughing at this letter. But here's the deal: We all get the same "type" of holiday letters each year from people spelling out all of the interesting things they've done throughout the year...blah, blah, blah... But this was different. A first of it's kind!
Don't get me wrong...I LOVE reading your holiday letters! I enjoy hearing about your lives and all the cool things you did, so please don't stop sending them! I was just so in love with this "non-traditional" letter because of it's brutal, lighthearted, honesty. I mean let's face it, typical holiday letters never speak open and honestly about what a crappy year someone had, or how hard they struggled and survived. Jack & Jill had a hellaciously hard year but they survived, with the help of God! They are now on the other side and so thankful for each other and they cherish the life they now have. I am so truly happy for them!
I was going to scan the "actual" letter and post it but it's too hard to read so I re-typed it exactly how it is on paper...Enjoy:
Happy Holidays!
2009 started off with a bang for us! On January 9th Jill surprised Jack with deciding to leave him and take the kids and all the family savings. Jack came home from a night shift to an empty house and a call from a lawyer stating her intent to leave him! Jack responded, in kind, by lawyering up and closing off all financial avenues for Jill, minus the home equity line she maxed out! A sheriff's deputy came, served Jack papers and gave him 20 minutes to clear out. Jack did just that, taking all records of files and accounts to leave Jill no ability to get the upper hand. In an amazing few weeks, many legal phone conferences, motions and court hearings wiped out both Jack and Jill's savings and a bitter battle raged on.
Finally, the lawyers agreed Jill had to get her s**t together and go to treatment if she was to have any say on custody or parenting time! Jack almost lost his job asking for time off in this difficult situation of single parenting for a month while Jill was gone. Exhausted, financially broke and emotionally destroyed, Jack and Jill fired the lawyers, began figuring out parenting time, and went to a mediator.
The mediator sat 'em down, slapped 'em up the side of the head and woke them up!
Jack and Jill realized they have a great foundation, incredible kids and could rebuild what they had! One awkward spring led to a fun summer of get-a-ways, reconnecting and great family time. As we approach the holidays and the anniversary of the "dark ages" we have to look back and laugh. Things happen for reasons we don't always see in the moment, but if you trust and jump in with blind faith, things can work out in ways never imagined.
Best wishes to all this coming year and take our advice: (Like you see on TV and in fine print)
Love to all!
Jack AND Jill
I absolutely LOVED this! LOVED IT. I wish Jack and Jill the best. And G-d bless them for their sense of humor!
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