Happy (early) Birthday to Maximus!
Max's birthday is December 24th therefore, it has been my goal since he was born to make absolutely, positively sure that he never feels jipped on his birthday! SO many people I know who's birthdays are in December have told me that they always got the raw end of the deal and received a Birthday/Christmas present. That's a bummer!
We went ahead and gave him his present a little "early" since we were celebrating it today. He has been wanting an iPod for a long time. We weren't quite sure if 7 years old was old enough for it, but we decided to go with it anyways because it's what he REALLY wanted. I never expected his reaction. He CRIED he was so happy! First, he started jumping up and down screaming "An iPod, an iPod....I got and iPod!!!!" then he ran over to me and hugged me and said "Thank you so much mom!" and started crying! Then he ran over to his dad and thanked him. Scott was like "Dude, are you really crying?" Max replied, "I'm just so happy!" Max crying then actually made Scott and I cry. It was just the cutest thing!
I am so blessed to have two amazing boys! I love them more than words can say!
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