Monday, June 28, 2010

The Magic Kingdom

On our second day in FL we took a trip to the good 'ol Magic Kingdom! After you park you get an option of how to get to the park itself...either by Monorail or Ferry boat. We chose to take the Ferry boat over and the Monorail back....BAD decision, but more on that later...

The Magic Kingdom is the classic Disney Theme Park. You can't miss it when you's just the best!
The boys were finally tall enough to ride Splash Mountain! Titus and I got to sit in the front row, which is where you get extremely wet...and we did! As soon as we did the big 50 foot drop Titus screamed, "That was SWEET!" It was by far, his favorite ride! Max wasn't too sure what to think. At first he said it was the scariest thing he's ever done and he didn't know if he liked that or not, then later decided that he liked it. What can I say, he's a cautious kid.
Both boys couldn't wait to drive their own cars on the speedway. Scott took video, which includes Max running into Titus and all of us was so much fun. After the ride Max said, "I'm the worst driver ever and I can't believe that Titus is better than me at driving!" I'm thinking they were equally bad! LOL! But boy was it fun!
We did lots more rides that day but those were definitely their favorites. Just before it was getting time to leave a storm started to move fast! We decided to head to car hearing the thunder coming. Max was already getting a little twitchy knowing it was coming. By the time we got close to the entrance the lighting started and big drops started to fall. The lighting was really close so I knew Max was nervous. We ran as fast as we could to catch the Monorail back to our car but we were about 5 minutes too late. Because of the lighting they "temporarily" closed the Monorail. 

So there we were stuck under this little metal covering with about 100 people waiting for the Monorail to start back up again. It then began to rain REALLY hard. Like torrential downpour with sideways rain along with massive thunder and lightning! It sounded like it was directly above us. It was really scary. Every time lighting would crash, it actually sounded like it was hitting right next to us, or going to hit us, and everyone in line would scream really loud. This of course was NOT helping our kids at all! Max was clinging to his dad for dear life, shaking and crying, thinking he was gonna die! We ended up stranded there for over 2 hours!!! The Monorail never even opened back up. They finally started the Ferry boats running again so we had to run through the rain to get to them. It took us a total of two and a half hours to get from the park to our car. It had to be THE WORST park exit of all time! It was epically bad! (To say the very least!)


MKHKKH June 29, 2010 at 12:39 PM  

You should get an award for most parks in a visit! You guys crammed in so much! Lucky boys. Looks like a special time.

The Family Unit

The Family Unit
My husband, Scott, and I have been together for 24 incredibly wonderful years! We have two children; our oldest son Max (A.K.A. Boog, Boogie or his full name Maximus when he's in trouble) and our youngest son Titus (A.K.A. Ti, T, Bird, T-Bird, Birdie or some other variation of the sort). Life with these three is absolutely amazing, terribly funny, franticaly busy, positively crazy and without question, never boring! I'm truly a blessed woman!

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