A Good Report
Today we took the yearly trip to the Neurosurgeon. Titus was actually way overdue to see him but praise God it went really well! They did the typical feeling of the plastic plate, said it was actually tighter than last time and he's good to go! Woo Hoo! The only "bad" (and it's really not that bad) thing is that they want to do another scan of him this summer to make sure he doesn't have any more aneurysm's forming in there. Statistically, it was rare that he had one in the first place but because he's had one, it makes him more likely to get another one compared to a person who's never had one. I still believe he'll never get another one. BUT...The good news is that he won't have to get an angiogram, which is pretty evasive for a test. They say they can get the info they need from a CT scan. Of course they still need to run an IV and sedate him but not put him to sleep...more like make him loopy. I still hate it any time he needs to get any kind of scan...or shot for that matter. But it's a miracle that he's alive and I thank God for that everyday! And so today, we enjoyed a nice cup of hot cocoa together when we got home....
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