Thursday, January 28, 2010

R.I.P Gary

We had Gary's funeral today. To say that Gary's funeral was "far lesser" a production than Scooters would be a GIANT understatement! First of all, Max didn't even care to be present for this one. When we asked what he'd like to do he simply said, "I really don't care. But it would be cool to keep his shell!" It really doesn't get more apathetic than that does it!?!? 

The funeral began by fishing out his soft, squishy carcass with kitchen tongs.
I must inform you that his body began to break into two pieces as Scott pulled him out.

We then prepared to dispense of him in a place where all respectable snails go....the toilet! There was no fanfare, no prayer and attendants. Except Titus who was standing by saying, "Cool! Look at his guts!"

His body actually began to break down and disintegrate as we tossed him in. And lies Gary in his cold, fecal infested, watery many pieces, I might add!

We now have the joy of remembering him always, as his stinky little shell is currently drying out on top of Max's dresser. He was a good snail. (Well, as good as snails get I guess....)

One thing is for sure...Gary, like Scooter, is free at last!


The Family Unit

The Family Unit
My husband, Scott, and I have been together for 24 incredibly wonderful years! We have two children; our oldest son Max (A.K.A. Boog, Boogie or his full name Maximus when he's in trouble) and our youngest son Titus (A.K.A. Ti, T, Bird, T-Bird, Birdie or some other variation of the sort). Life with these three is absolutely amazing, terribly funny, franticaly busy, positively crazy and without question, never boring! I'm truly a blessed woman!

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